Health & Wellness

5 Pose of Yoga for an Ache-Free Winter | Best Winter Yoga Poses 2023

Yoga has been practicing as a good form of exercise and a stress buster from very ancient times. It eases your aches and pains during the winter season. There are many sorts of asanas to relief pain.We have listed some effective yoga poses for an Ache-Free Winter.

1. Sugarcane in the Half Moonlight

5 pose of Yoga for an Ache-Free Winter


Instructions: Stand with feet together near a chair or sofa to your right. Bend your left knee and hold onto your feet with the help of your left hand or a belt. Lift muscles of your standing leg and affix muscles off your hips. Lower your right hand for a balance to sit on the chair. Release your left foot and lower it then place the hands on hips. Repeat the process on the sides. This pose opens up the standing hamstring and the opposite leg’s hip flexors. Try to breathe normally and take support as much as you need.

2. Metta Meditation (Loving Kindness Meditation)

5 pose of Yoga for an Ache-Free Winter


It provides the essential balance to support your yoga practice. This metta medication brings out the positive attitude of you. You can easily heal the mind from ache and confusion. All the Buddha followers practice this to remove the inner negative things. Sit and feel the warmth of your breath, visualize something that calms yourself.

3. Balasana

5 pose of Yoga for an Ache-Free Winter


Start by sitting on your feet on the floor mate with separated knees touching the big toes. Fold your torso forward with the eyes closed. Let your forehead rest on the floor, blanket so that your entire head can rest fully. Place your arms on the floor and blend the elbows to the sides.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana


Sit on child pose and press your hand on to the floor enfolding your toes below. Lift your hips up and back into down dog. Extend through your inner arms and press the tops of your thighbones.

5. Prasarita Padottanasana

5 pose of Yoga for an Ache-Free Winter


From the downward dog pose step up your feetuntil they are in line.Bring your feet about 4 feet apart and tuck your torso forward. Let your head rest on the floor on a support of blanket or something else. Place the hands on the floor inward to your feet.

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