6 Crazy Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets We Approve Of 2024
People that are looking for losing weight often turn to search celebrities for advice. It seems that the rich and famous celebrities can help you to take off weight in no time. It is found that stars are even able to drop their weight even after they give birth to a baby. Normally, it is too hard to get into shape for a woman after giving birth. But they are able to be in shape just after couple of months, and it is secret. Lets read this post to learn 6 Crazy Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets. You can follow these secrets and lose weight faster than your imagination.
Kale Juice
Stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow has used this diet. In addition to a daily workout start the day off with a glass of kale juice. The rest of the day should be followed by low carb foods. Dinner should be a bowl of kale soup with some kind of lean protein added. In the afternoon if a person is feeling hungry they can have another glass of kale juice. Kale has become known as a superfood. It is low in calories, low in fat, and has antioxidants that the body needs to stay healthy. Kale can even boost the metabolism which will help the body burn off fat.
Baby food diet
This diet will not last for a long period of time, but is will help a person get into shape and drop these extra pounds quickly. Jennifer Aniston has a great figure, and she participates in this diet. Baby food will help cleanse the body, and when a person goes back to solid food, they will not gain the weight they have lost back. The body can eliminate toxins, and a person can break poor eating habits. For a week, a person should eat nothing but pureed baby food for all of their meals. They can even have some chocolate pudding for desert. When a person is ready to go back to solid foods, they should take it slowly. They should start by eating greens and protein shakes.
Color Diet! Crazy Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets
Christina Aguilera was able to lose the baby weight she has gained by following the color diet. Each day a person on the diet is only allowed to eat foods of a certain color. For example, Mondays are white days. A person can only eat white foods such as cauliflower and white beans. Green day would consist of green leafy vegetables. This diet helped Christiana get ready for prime time and it may be worth a try.
Watercress Soup
This is another diet that is only for short term use but has great results. When a person is on this diet they will have at least six cups of watercress soup a day. This soup is low in calories and high in nutrients. Stars such as Elizabeth Hurley have used this diet and have been pleased with the results.
Cookie Diet
This diet is appealing to those that have a sweet tooth. Snooki has used this diet to drop the extra weight she had and slimed down to 100 pounds. When a person is on this diet they will eat six 90 calorie cookie snack packs a day. A tiny meal is allowed for dinner. A person will not have to give up their sweets to get into shape when they are following this diet.
Cleansing Drink
Beyonce has used this cleaning drink in order to get in shape. This drink is a mixture of fresh lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. The mixture is added to water and consumed six to twelve times a day. While it does not sound like the most filling cleaning diet a person will remove toxins from the body and get into fat burning mode.
These are just some of the diet secrets that are used by celebrities in order to get into shape. Celebrities are known for having great bodies and looking good. These diets can help a person lose weight quickly and get a great body.
I hope this 6 Crazy Celebrity Weight-Loss Secrets will help you if you want to lose weight immediately.