Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight By Walking – 4 Simple Tips ! 2023

Walking is one of the best things for a person’s health. People walk to move around and to get from one place to another. Walking is a simple way to burn calories. This activity is low-impact, and a person of any age can start a walking program. There are many tips on how to lose weight by walking and runnig.


If a person is beginning a walking program to lose weight they can start off small. A person should walk at least three days during the week for a period of 15 to 20 minutes each day. As the body adapts to this program, a person should increase the duration at which they are walking. Within a couple of weeks, a person should increase the duration that they walk to between 30 and 60 minutes during the day.

To keep motivated, a person can change the setting that they are walking. They should aim to walk outdoors. This way a person can have a change of scenery. A person can also walk while they are doing several activates. Instead of sitting down to watch tv a person can walk around the room or walk in place. A treadmill is also a great indoor tool to stick with a walking program. To make the walk more interesting, a person can listen to music to stay motivated and to keep their mind busy.

Add Some Resistance

Once the body gets used to walking a person should add some resistance. Ankle weights can be put on so the body will be toned as a person walks. A person should put the ankle weights on every other day when they go for a walk. This will help strength and tone the body. A person will be able to lose 20 pounds or more while they are getting into shape.

Increase Speed

As the body gets used to walking more a person should increase the speed at which they walk. The average walker burns around 4 calories per minute when walking at a moderate pace. If a person aims to walk a little faster, they can burn six calories per minute. Over the duration of the walk, this can be a significant amount of additional calories that are being burnt. Once the body is comfortable a person should continue to increase the speed at which they walk.

Heel Walk

This form of walking can be done for around 20 minutes and will help a person tone certain areas of the body include the buttocks and the skins. To perform this walk a person should move their right foot in front of them and land on their heels. The body weight should be in the center of the foot and the toes are off of the ground. A person will quickly take another step and this time, they will end up on the left heel. The arms are extended and swinging while this move is being done.

A person should continue this heel walk for one minute and then switch back to regular walking. A person will then do the heel walks for four minutes. After four minutes they can walk regular for another for minutes. This will alternate between heel walking and regular walking for the 20-minute workout. This will help a person focus on what they are doing and burn additional calories during the walk.

These are just some of the great benefits that walking has for the body. A person can lose weight by completing this simple exercise. A person can go walking with friends, listen to music, and even take the dog out for a walk. Walking is one of the best things for the body and will help a person lose weight.

How To Lose Weight By Walking And Running


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