Healthy Living

12 Super Magical Ways To Stay Healthy In Spring 2021

Spring, when it comes with a nice and warm weather, you must embrace the season with your full enthusiasm and energy. It’s the season which throws a challenge to keep you and your family to stay healthy and fit. Get worried? Don’t be. Just check out our tips and stay healthy through the year long.


Magical Tips To Stay Healthy In Spring

1 Exercise in morning: Wake up early in the morning is obviously a very good habit. And in the day of spring the sun rises earlier and the mornings are warm and soothing. So try to take the best advantage of the morning. Get up early and do some physical exercise to warm up your body. You may run or go for a walk with your pet. Some body warming physical exercise before starting your day will helps you to start a day full of enthusiasm and energy.

2. Renew your diet plan: This spring rethink and renew your diet plan once again to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition with a balanced diet. Enrich your food with raw nuts, baby carrots, zucchini and broccoli. Use corn syrup, dextrose and fructose to reduce sugars on your foods. Use three or more colors in each meal. You may use yellow, green or red bell pepper, raspberries or oranges on your salads and blackberries or blueberries on yogurt. Divide your plate in two, half with vegetables and fruits and half with whole grains. When go out for a break try to take homemade healthy foods like noodles, pizza or sizzling stir fry instead of such unhealthy junk foods.

3. Start with a healthy breakfast: Try to start your day with a healthy breakfast instead of a quick sandwich. It is highly recommended by the physicians that to start your day with a healthy breakfast not only for spring but for the whole year. And obviously it is a good start with a solid foundation.

4. Take seasonal fruits and vegetables: Spring is the season to add new colorful fruits and vegetables in your daily food chart. The U.S department of Agriculture recommends 4.5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. And obviously this is from the stock of colorful and vibrant range of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Raspberries, plums, rhubarb, cherries and nectarines are the fruits and tomatoes, artichokes, cucumbers, peppers, peas and squash are the vegetables from spring’s stock.

5. Drink lemon water: Are you conscious taking the physicians recommended 64 ounces of water each day? I’m not sure about you but many of us showing indifference on this fact. But it is very important to keep your body hydrated if you want your body works at its best. Squeeze a lemon into a glass of water can add more taste and increase your drinking water amount. It can works as a hunger suppressant and helps to maintain a healthy weight.

6. Change your wardrobe: When the season changes with its full so why your wardrobe remains the same as the other time of the year? You should change your dresses and footwear as the weather demands. You may choose the lightweight clothing to manage heat and perspiration. Also you should choose the proper shoes for your spring. Take extra care of your dress up and get up before going out.

7. Proper sleep: Always try to sleep 8-9 hours each night. Make your bedroom sleep friendly. Try to keep your bedroom cool and calm in order to get a sound sleep. Late night sleep means getting up late in the morning which increases the habit of overeating. A sound sleep at night helps to reduce the chance to make wrong diet plan for the next day.

8. Go outside: After a chilly, dark winter when the weather gets warm and nice then why you spend your time at home? Just find out some excuses to go outside with your friends and family. Spring is the time to move more and rest less. You may go for walk with your friends or your dogs. You may play outdoor sports like hiking, tennis or golf.

9. Don’t forget to use sunscreens: Don’t forget to use sunscreen lotions and creams while go outside. Try to use sunblock with at least SPF 15. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants to prevent sun burn. Wear a hat and sunglasses that prevent UVA and UVB rays for best protection.

10. Appointment with doctors: In this time of the year you can make an appointment with your doctor for your health checkups. Tell your doctor your family health history. Consult with your personal physician before starting any exercise or activities like hiking. And if you have allergy on something, just refilled your medicine kit before going outside. Try to understand the signal of summer by the warming weather and just make a step to go ahead to make the spring time more funny and enjoyable.

11. Update your medicine cabinet: Clean up your medicine cabinet. If there are any old prescriptions bottles of vitamins or any kinds of supplements or any half used ointments dispose them carefully. Ensure the careful disposal of the medicines that are beyond their expiration date or more than one year old though it has expiration date. Medicine that includes disposal instructions can be disposed by following the directions carefully. Others should be mixed with some unappealing properties like coffee grounds and then sealed in a plastic bag and safely thrown away. Always make sure that the medicines are not on the reach of the children.

12. Give time to yourself: At last but not the list, give time to yourself. Try to find out some time only for you from your daily busy routine. It is very important to revitalize and refresh yourself for the next day. You may spend your time with a cup of coffee and a favorite book of you on your hand. Or you can gardening, go out for a salon for a new haircut or do a facial. Actually, what I mean is just do whatever you like to do.

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