Top Five Poses of Yoga for Seniors | Best Yoga Exercises for Seniors 2023
Yoga can improve the lifestyle of people from all ages in several ways like reducing stress, anxiety and depression. It can improve your performance at sport, work reducing risk of heart damage, obesity; cancer etc. yoga makes people feel good upgrading sense of good human being. As you aged your strength are reducing and we have gathered some yoga for seniors to keep yourself fit and feel fresh. Yoga for seniors has huge benefits and for the 55+ people it is great. If you are 55+ you should start yoga today for some benefits like, Reduce swelling in joints, Lower blood pressure and cholesterol, Improve blood flow, Aid in the grieving process etc.
1. One-legged Wind Releasing Pose
Getting older means that you will have aches in back. This yoga can make your back strength. This pose is a good, gentle stretch for the mid- to low back and hips because it stretches all of the muscles in those areas to resolve aches.
Instructions: Lie down on your back with your knees curved and your feet on the mate.
Attach your right thigh to your chest with the help of a strap or belt to assist you, if necessary.
Straighten your left leg along the floor and keep your pelvis and right buttock on the floor.
Take deep breath until you feel the muscles relax.
Repeat the same on the other side.
2. Staff Pose
Your joints, leg and hands need extra care too. This is a good pose for addressing pain. Staff pose helps to strengthen the muscles and stabilize knees.
Instructions: take a sit on the floor with your legs stretched out. It can help to sit with your shoulder blades against a wall and your lower back.Pull in your belly and sit up tall.
Point your hands on the floor next to your hips, fingers facing your toes.
Flex your thigh muscles with soft abdomen muscle while pressing them down toward the floor. Rotate them inward and draw your groin muscles toward your tailbone flexing your ankles.
Take some deep breath and relax.
3. Chair Pose
Cardiovascular exercise helps your heart and some yoga can do too. Yoga poses can reduce the risk of heart disease and one of them is chair pose. This pose engages many areas of the body and increases blood circulation, so breathe heavily to transport more oxygen to the areas.
Instructions: Stand on your leg together.
Inhale rotating your arms with palms facing inward.Exhale and bend your knees to let your torso and the tops of your thighs create a right angle. It will appear like you’re getting ready to sit in a chair.
Hold this position for up to a minute.
Stand upright while inhaling and do it for several times
4. Upward-Facing Dog
This pose allows stretching the muscles of arm and balancing the body weight. It is a great way of toning your arms, biceps or triceps.
Instructions: Lie on your stomach, facing the floor. Curve your elbows and place your hands on mate with the help of your ribs, wrists lined under the elbows. Press down into the hands and aligned arms. Pull your chest up toward ceiling and lift thighs front. You can do this pose by keeping your toes tucked instead of pointed, which will allow you to activate and lift your thighs. if you have a stiff neck or shoulder injuries do it under supervision.
5. Warrior pose
This pose looks like you are getting ready to war. It is great for the aged people to build power on legs.
Instructions: Stand with legs keeping 3to 4 feet distant from each other, turning right foot out of 90 degrees and left foot in slightly. Bring your hands to your hips and relax your shoulders. Extend arms to the sides keeping the palms down.
Stay for one minute and switch sides and repeat.