Weight Loss

7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercising

When someone thinks of losing weight, they usually are thinking of going out to the gym to workout. Well, exercise isn’t for everyone, especially if you suffer from an health complications  or shortage of time due to busy schedule.. There are several ways to lose weight without dieting or  exercising. Just by few changes in daily lifestyle habits, you can start losing pounds in as little as just one week! Read here 7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercising.


The fastest and easiest path to weight loss is to drink more water throughout the day. Drinking water does many things for your body. Water can elevate your metabolism so boosts energy as well. Drinking cold water even burns calories to make the temperature of the water warmer. The more water you drink, the more you will fight the desire for food outside of a meal. Lastly, water helps the flow of digestion.

Eat Slower

Also, another easy lifestyle change for weight loss is to eat slower. You may be wondering how eating slower can promote weight loss. If you eat slower, you will fill up faster so you can resist the urge to get more than one helping of food. Eating slower will help the process of nutrients that need to be processed.


Another big factor into weight loss is eating protien. Foods high in protein are meat, eggs, peanuts, fish, cheese, yogurt, beans, nuts and seeds. Protein boosts your metabolism so that you get energy for longer. Protein will keep you feeling full so you can reduce the desire for food outside of a meal. For certain proteins, like meat, you burn calories while trying to break down foods in the digestive system.

No Skipping Meals

Many people think that if they skip meals that will help them lose weight. Skipping one of the three daily meals, (breakfast, lunch and dinner) affects the body in many ways. When you skip meals, you are more likely to grab a meal high in calories for the following meal. Also in the following meal, you will more than likely eat more. Your body needs the nutrients from every meal to power the body and keep you healthy.


Nightly sleep will aid in weight loss as well. During a nights sleep you are burning calories. Just by sleeping throughout the night you boost fat loss in your body. When you wake up, the brain can stay focused more. Lack of rest makes you crave food. Since you crave something to eat grocery shopping can be an issue. When you crave food, the craving is not usually for vegetables. When you crave food, the craving is usually something unhealthy like foods high in calories.

Water During Meals

Along with your three daily meals, you need to drink water during the meal. In fact, drinking water during or after meals actually aids digestion. Water and other liquids help break down a meal. This process happens so that your body can absorb the nutrients that the body needs.


Beans come loaded with essential minerals like magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins like folate. Beans also have several properties that make them beneficial for weight loss, so including beans in your daily diet can help you drop pounds, as well as boost your overall health.
Eating foods rich in fiber may increase satiety, which helps you feel like you are fuller for for longer. Research indicates that viscous fiber is particularly helpful for weight loss. Viscous fiber makes your stomach feel more full and can help you not eat as much.

Tips to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercising

You can drink more water, eat slower, don’t skip meals, sleep, drink water with meals, and avoid stressful situations. Eat meals rich in protein and with fiber. However, trying all of these things at once may not work for long periods of time. Start to experiment with one tip or few tips for best results and see what positive affects of your body are. Simple changes can begin a massive impact over the long term.

Lastly, change will need time. Please be patient with the result. this 7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercising are pretty much slow, since you are not sticking into any crash diet or heavy exercise. However, this will work but slow. Those who have critical health issue they can easily follow this weight loss plan.


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